Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 2: MKTG 6101- Chapter 2 Tsunami Surfing: What is AI Up to These Days?


There has been some significant development in AI recently with automotive technology as well as playing an important role in advancing green initiatives. Recently, Texas Instruments has introduced a new semiconductor, (first single-hip radar sensor), designed for satellite architectures which increases the vehicle sensing ranges beyond 200 meters, enabling more accurate advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) decision-making. TI also unveiled two other driver chips to support functional safety and efficient power flow control in battery management and powertrain systems. These innovations aim to help automakers create smarter and safer vehicles. Tesla is currently developing the Dojo supercomputer to handle massive amounts of data required for training its neural networks. Dojo is designed to process video data from Tesla vehicles.

The growing global urgency for sustainable solutions has highlighted the critical role of technology, specifically AI, in advancing green initiatives to mitigate climate change. Instead of merely creating intelligent machines, AI is being harnessed to transform eco-friendly technologies, leading to the concept of “Green AI.” Green AI involves two main components: using AI to enhance green and sustainable solutions across various fields (such as energy production, waste management, and climate modeling) and developing AI methods with reduced energy consumption and environmental impact. AI can significantly improve green technology by enhancing energy efficiency, optimizing renewable energy systems, monitoring the environment, managing waste, optimizing transportation, and supporting climate modeling. For instance, AI can optimize smart grids, predict maintenance for renewable energy equipment, monitor air and water quality, automate recycling processes, and enhance precision agriculture. Despite its potential, Green AI faces challenges, including high energy consumption and ethical concerns such as bias, privacy, security, and job displacement. To mitigate these issues, businesses must ensure that AI tools are developed and operated sustainably. In conclusion, Green AI offers a promising path toward sustainability by promoting efficiency and reducing waste, but it requires careful consideration of its environmental and ethical impacts. 

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