Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Week 4: MKTG 6101- Google Cloud and Mayo Clinic Join Forces to Transform Healthcare with Generative AI

Google Cloud has announced a significant partnership with Mayo Clinic, a leading global healthcare organization. This collaboration will introduce Google Cloud's generative AI technology, particularly the Gen App Builder, into the healthcare sector. The Gen App Builder allows organizations to create advanced search engines with conversational capabilities, leveraging Google's extensive research and development in AI. Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud, emphasized the company's commitment to responsible AI development, which includes using advanced encryption to protect data privacy, maintaining responsible controls on training and data models, and ensuring that key stakeholders, such as doctors and clinicians, are kept informed and involved. This partnership aims to transform healthcare practices by improving how organizations access and understand information. For Mayo Clinic, the integration of AI tools is expected to enhance clinical workflows, improve data collection and synthesis, and ultimately give doctors more time for patient care, thus improving patient outcomes and experiences.

Mayo Clinic is one healthcare organization that is highly successful in corporate branding. It is known for its strong brand identity and reputation for providing high-quality medical care. The organization’s branding emphasizes its commitment to putting patients first, which is a core value that resonates with both patients and healthcare professionals. They have maintained a high level of consistency and quality in its services, ensuring patients receive the same exceptional care. They also invest in educating the public and healthcare professionals through various channels, including its website, publications, and health education programs. This reinforces its brand as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source of medical information. Mayo Clinic is also known for its contributions to medical research and innovation. By promoting its advancements and breakthroughs, the organization enhances its brand image as a leader in healthcare.  By focusing on these elements, Mayo Clinic has successfully established a strong corporate brand that is synonymous with top-tier healthcare, innovation, and patient-centered care. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Week 3: MKTG 6101- LabCorp’s Strategic Recruitment Marketing Campaign Boosts Applications and New Hires


LabCorp faced significant recruitment challenges at its Madison, Wisconsin location due to labor shortages and low brand recognition following a corporate rebrand. The organization addressed these issues by launching a bold, multi-channel recruitment marketing campaign. This included billboards, bus wraps, print flyers, job boards, digital and social media ads, and a dedicated microsite. Some of the key elements of the campaign included billboards that garnered 1.8 million impressions. Bus wraps reached over 61,000 passengers daily. Print mailers were sent to 70,000 homes, resulting in 8% of recipients visiting the LabCorp website. The paid digital and social media generated millions of impressions and high click through rates. Microsite focused on employment opportunities and life at LabCorp. The Employee Referral Program increased referrals by 230% with an additional $3,000 incentive for two key roles.

The campaign resulted in a 260% increase in career site visits, 80% more applications, and 54% more hires. Lessons that were learned throughout the process included the importance of audience research, team collaboration, time considerations, and meticulous tracking of all campaign elements. As a result, the campaign won the 2023 Rally Award for Best Recruitment Marketing Campaign-Large Team. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 3: MKTG 6101- Ch 3 Tsunami Surfing: How AI is Transforming the Job Market?


AI tools like ChatGPT and Google’s AI software are revolutionizing tasks such as data analysis, content creation, and presentations. While AI will displace some jobs, it will also create new ones, specifically in areas that can adapt to technological changes. AI promises to increase productivity, improve healthcare, and enhance access to education, but it is also a threat in manual, repetitive jobs. The economic impact of AI could add $13 trillion to the global economy by 2030, largely due to labor substitution and product innovation. AI might replace 300 million full-time jobs affecting white-collar workers and manufacturing jobs. But it will also open up more jobs in new areas. Positions like customer service representatives, receptionists, accountants, salespeople, researchers, warehouse workers, retail workers are highly susceptible to automation. On the other hand, jobs that require human interaction, complex decision-making (teachers, lawyers, surgeons, and artists) are less likely to be replaced by AI.

Embracing lifelong learning, developing soft skills, and specializing in specific areas are crucial for staying relevant in the AI-driven job market. AI will significantly change the job landscape. Those who adapt to acquiring new skills and embracing AI technologies will thrive. Collaborate with AI teams to help better understand AI applications and integrate them into your workflow. 

Week 2: MKTG 6101- Chapter 2 Tsunami Surfing: What is AI Up to These Days?


There has been some significant development in AI recently with automotive technology as well as playing an important role in advancing green initiatives. Recently, Texas Instruments has introduced a new semiconductor, (first single-hip radar sensor), designed for satellite architectures which increases the vehicle sensing ranges beyond 200 meters, enabling more accurate advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) decision-making. TI also unveiled two other driver chips to support functional safety and efficient power flow control in battery management and powertrain systems. These innovations aim to help automakers create smarter and safer vehicles. Tesla is currently developing the Dojo supercomputer to handle massive amounts of data required for training its neural networks. Dojo is designed to process video data from Tesla vehicles.

The growing global urgency for sustainable solutions has highlighted the critical role of technology, specifically AI, in advancing green initiatives to mitigate climate change. Instead of merely creating intelligent machines, AI is being harnessed to transform eco-friendly technologies, leading to the concept of “Green AI.” Green AI involves two main components: using AI to enhance green and sustainable solutions across various fields (such as energy production, waste management, and climate modeling) and developing AI methods with reduced energy consumption and environmental impact. AI can significantly improve green technology by enhancing energy efficiency, optimizing renewable energy systems, monitoring the environment, managing waste, optimizing transportation, and supporting climate modeling. For instance, AI can optimize smart grids, predict maintenance for renewable energy equipment, monitor air and water quality, automate recycling processes, and enhance precision agriculture. Despite its potential, Green AI faces challenges, including high energy consumption and ethical concerns such as bias, privacy, security, and job displacement. To mitigate these issues, businesses must ensure that AI tools are developed and operated sustainably. In conclusion, Green AI offers a promising path toward sustainability by promoting efficiency and reducing waste, but it requires careful consideration of its environmental and ethical impacts. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Week 2: MKTG 6101- How Quantum AI is Revolutionizing Cancer Detection, Treatment, and Healthcare Branding.


Quantum AI is shaping cancer detection by using its large datasets from genetic, genomic, and medical imaging sources more efficiently to improve the precision and speed of diagnosing conditions. It looks for patterns and correlations in complex datasets, which can lead to an earlier and more accurate detection of cancer. Quantum AI can enhance medical imaging techniques like MRI and CT scans. It improves image processing capabilities, increases resolution without the need for higher radiation doses. This leads to clearer, more detailed images that are crucial in precise cancer diagnosis. Quantum AI can help tailor medical treatment to individual patient by quickly analyzing genetic information with medical histories to predict how different treatments will work for a specific patient. This personalized approach can significantly improve the effectiveness of cancer treatments and reduce the time taken to find the right approach for each patient.


Integrating quantum AI into cancer research and treatment can have significant implications for branding and positioning within the healthcare and technology sectors. Companies can position themselves as leaders in innovation. They can use quantum AI as a cornerstone of their branding to emphasize their dedication to improving patient outcomes. Leveraging quantum AI opens opportunities for strategic partnerships and collaborations with academic institutions and research labs to helping solve complex healthcare challenges.

Overall, AI is set to revolutionize the field of oncology by enhancing early detection, improving the accuracy of diagnosis, optimizing clinical trials, and personalizing treatment plans. However, the integration of AI into healthcare requires careful management to balance technological advancements with ethical and regulatory standards. By focusing on innovation, patient care, ethical standards, and global impact, organizations can significantly enhance their market position and influence in the healthcare industry.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Week 1: MKTG 6101- How has AI improved the workflow in Cytogenetics?


AI in cytogenetics has enhanced the accuracy, efficiency, and scope of genetic analyses. Here are some of the recent strategies AI has performed. AI has transformed chromosome analysis into automation. Techniques like machine learning can be trained to recognize patterns and abnormalities in chromosome banding, significantly speeding up the karyotyping process and reducing opportunities for human error. AI can also help integrate data from disparate sources, such as genomic sequences, clinical data, and patient histories, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of cytogenetic abnormalities. This holistic approach results in greater diagnostic accuracy and can be used to suggest better treatment strategies.

By employing deep learning models, AI can improve the detection and interpretation of complex genetic markers and variations. This is particularly useful in identifying subtle or rare chromosomal abnormalities that might be missed by human analysts. AI models can analyze large datasets to predict the likelihood of genetic disorders based on detected chromosomal abnormalities. These predictive capabilities can be crucial for prenatal testing and rare cancer prognostics. AI can optimize laboratory workflows by automating routine tasks such as data entry, analysis, and report generation. This not only speeds up those processes but also allows cytogeneticists to focus on more complex cases and research, which increases overall productivity.

By adopting these strategies, cytogenetics laboratories can enhance their research capabilities and improve diagnostic and therapeutic services, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Week 1: MKTG 6101 The use of AI in Cytogenetics

Transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on laboratories, particularly in the realm of genetic research has enchanced the efficiency of labs by automating the interpretation and reporting of genetic data. This process is traditionally reliant on manual, time-consuming tasks performed by Cytogenetic Technologists. AI is particularly beneficial in cytogenetic research, where it accelerates chromosome banding analysis—a critical method for identifying genetic abnormalities in areas like prenatal, postnatal, and cancer research. Old methods are still being used such as microscopes to confirm if the chromosome abnormality is in fact real.

AI advancements in genetic analysis technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), which includes exome sequencing (ES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS). These methods are becoming more accessible and cost-effective, although they still face challenges such as the interpretation of vast data volumes and the potential to miss genetic variants not covered by the tests. While older than NGS, CMA continues to evolve, improving in aspects like sample efficiency and resolution of copy number analysis, thus facilitating quicker and more conclusive results. This supports labs in boosting their throughput and efficiency, making the technology both a robust and a contemporary choice for genetic testing.

Week 8: MKTG 6101- Empowering the Middle Class: How AI Can Democratize Expert-Level Tasks and Reverse Job Polarization

  AI technology has the potential to create new opportunities for the middle class by empowering middle-skilled workers to perform tasks tra...